The Indonesian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Kedokteran Fisik dan Rehabilitasi Indonesia − PERDOSRI) is the national professional society for physicians working in the specialty of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PM&R) in Indonesia. PERDOSRI is dedicated to improving patient care by advancing the specialty through advocacy, research, and education.
The development of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Indonesia began in 1947 with one of Indonesia's best physicians, Raden Soeharso, MD. He gave special attention to wounded soldiers who returned home disabled by providing prosthetics for amputee soldiers injured during wars and children affected with poliomyelitis.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia established the Medical Rehabilitative Care Center in Dr. Kariadi Semarang Hospital in 1973 as a pilot project called the Preventive Rehabilitation Unit (PRU). The project focused on treating patients with disabilities caused by various diseases and was able to reduce the length of hospital stay. Based on this accomplishment, all hospitals were instructed to develop PRUs, which later came to be called Medical Rehabilitation Units. Twelve general practitioners were assigned to attend PM&R residency in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines; Yugoslavia; and the Netherlands to improve rehabilitation medicine services in Indonesia. The Indonesian Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Specialists (Ikatan Dokter Ahli Rehabilitasi Medik Indonesia − IDARI) was established in 1982 with support from other medical specialties. IDARI received recognition as a national specialty society under the Indonesian Medical Association (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia − IDI) in 1991. The organization's name then evolved and became the Indonesian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
PERDOSRI's vision of “Striving for PM&R specialists with great quality, integrity, and excellence at national and international level in 2022” is guided by its missions which are:
• Optimizing the roles and contributions of PM&R specialists in health services
• Encouraging equal distribution of PM&R specialists in Indonesia
• Promoting communication, coordination, and cooperation with Rehabilitation Medicine Team (peer bodies) and stakeholders in providing great quality and complete Rehabilitation Medicine services and public policy
• Providing the highest standards for education, training, and research at the national and international levels
• Advocating on rehabilitation issues and standardization of medical services related to Universal Health Coverage
• Optimizing organizational governance
PERDOSRI represents more than 1,000 members with 13 subsidiaries and more than 1,500 medical facilities throughout Indonesia that provide rehabilitation medicine services. Indonesia has seven education centers for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
PERDOSRI has been conducting Annual Scientific Meetings, National Work Conferences, and National Congresses every three years in order to manage organizational matters, discuss member concerns, and accommodate the development of education for every member.
PERDOSRI has helped establish policies benefiting all PM&R specialists in Indonesia and continues to work hard to maintain the integrity of rehabilitation medicine so we can do what we do best and help patients.
The success of one depends on the success of the other. We must work together because teamwork makes the dream work.