Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research

The Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (IDRR) is an innovative research hub that investigates issues related to disability and rehabilitation from the perspective of the health sciences and social sciences and humanities. The IDRR, established in 2021, builds on the work conducted at the Centre for Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation (CDPR). The CDPR was created in 2012 through a partnership between the Faculty of Health Sciences at Ontario Tech University and Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC). The IDRR is committed to conduct applied research that is relevant to policymakers involved in disability and rehabilitation.

The multidisciplinary team of scientists and graduate students is committed to developing and advocating for innovative strategies and policies to improve the quality of life and well-being of people with disabilities and to develop effective rehabilitation interventions for Canadians and people worldwide. Research activities at the IDRR primarily focus on musculoskeletal and mental health conditions.


The IDRR will be a global leader in creating and disseminating knowledge to improve the quality of life and well-being of people with disability and in need of rehabilitation services.


Improve the quality of life and well-being of people with disability through the conduct of innovative and policy-relevant research. Work with the public, clinicians, community partners, and governments to develop, evaluate, and implement effective clinical and community-based rehabilitation interventions. Cochrane Rehabilitation and the IDRR at Ontario Tech University are pleased to announce the signing of a collaboration agreement. The new collaboration will focus on developing solutions to common methodological challenges faced when conducting systematic reviews in the field of rehabilitation, and on engaging in joint knowledge-transfer initiatives to improve the conduct of systematic reviews of rehabilitation interventions.