Cochrane Rehabilitation versus COVID-19
Systematic rapid living review and Mapping of Evidence
Rehabilitation professionals are facing an unprecedented challenge due to COVID-19 pandemic. Evidence-based answers to newly-arisen questions are needed.
Cochrane Rehabilitation is working to synthesize and diffuse available evidence from the rapidly-growing scientific literature.
The systematic “rapid” living review condenses information from the most recently-published papers focused on five fundamental topics related to rehabilitation needs due to COVID-19:
- prevalence and features of the emerging disability after Covid-19
- rehabilitation strategies applied for Covid-19 patients regardless of setting or stage
- information about rehabilitation services after Covid-19
- impact on health conditions of rehabilitative interest
- complications of rehabilitative interest
The review is “living” as it is updated on a monthly basis. Such frequent updates are necessary as the research is moving fast.
From the nine papers included in the first rapid review, we counted 50 papers in the second one.
A parallel project is the Mapping of Evidence designed to show at a glance the presence or absence of evidence on broad research questions.
A table reports the number and characteristics of the papers included in the review grouped by main topic and rehabilitation field (cardiological, dysphagia, generic, musculoskeletal, neurological, mental and respiratory). A filter allows to select a specific study design.
Each dot on the map is linked to primary studies it represents, allowing to switch from a “bird-view” perspective to a detailed information panel complete with the key-points of each paper.
A geographic map shows were the evidence are produced.