The 18th World Congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) is set to take place in Sydney from June 1st to June 6th, 2024. This event will coincide with the 7th Annual Meeting of the Rehabilitation Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand (RMSANZ).
Among the various clinical areas covered, there will be a specific focus on what are referred to as the three "T's": trauma, technology, and timing. Under trauma, discussions will encompass a wide spectrum, including motor vehicle accidents, domestic violence, and the aftermath of war and natural disasters. Technology will be explored, ranging from personal devices like smartphones to robotics. Timing will delve into crucial topics such as rehabilitation duration, in-reach services, and determining when rehabilitation should conclude.
The scientific program will feature pre-congress practical workshops, plenary sessions, and themed sessions hosting invited speakers and selected free paper presentations.
Additionally, don't miss the upcoming "Cochrane Rehabilitation evidence-based course 2024," a collaborative initiative organized by Cochrane Rehabilitation, the ISPRM Presidential Cabinet, and the Sydney 2024 Meeting organizers. This course aims to provide practical insights into evidence-based practice, drawing from Cochrane evidence, expert speakers, and patient values.
Comprising a preliminary online session and five live sessions, each lasting an hour, the course will cover various domains: Low Back Pain, Sarcopenia, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, and Traumatic Brain Injury. Participants will also be introduced to the WHO Package of Interventions for Rehabilitation (PIR).
All sessions are open to attendees of the 2024 Sydney ISPRM Meeting. To obtain the Cochrane Rehabilitation – ISPRM certificate, participants must:
- Attend the online session and follow the provided lectures.
- Participate in at least three out of the five live sessions.
- Complete the questionnaires accompanying each session, ensuring a minimum of 80% correct answers.
The sessions, in the order they are scheduled, are as follows:
- Cochrane workshop 1 of 5: Spinal cord injury.
- Cochrane workshop 2 of 5: Traumatic brain injury.
- Cochrane workshop 3 of 5: Stroke.
- Cochrane workshop 4 of 5: Low back pain.
- Cochrane workshop 5 of 5: Sarcopenia.
ISPRM 2024 website: https://www.isprmsydney2024.com/