The RCTs in Rehabilitation Checklist (RCTRACK) project

During the Second Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodology Meeting in Kobe, the RCTRACK project was launched and registered on Equator Netowrk in date 9th July 2019.

The aims include:

1. To produce a checklist of items to be followed:

  • in the reporting of RCTs in rehabilitation as an add-on to the CONSORT Non-Pharmacological Treatment Studies checklist.

  • in the conduct/ and risk of bias evaluation of RCTs in rehabilitation as an add-on (not substitution) to the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool.

2. To identify areas of methodological research to fill gaps in the actual relevant knowledge

The project is based on three phases:

  • identification of the critical items in rehabilitation research (concluded);
  • literature review to identify a first set of items;
  • consensus among experts to define and refine the final list of the checklists.

The aim is to conclude the project by the end of 2020.