Publication Committee

The aim of the Publication Committee is to diffuse the contents of the Cochrane Systematic Reviews of Rehabilitation interest to the Scientific Community. To accomplish this aim we have been developing and reinforcing collaborations with rehabilitation journals to produce Cochrane Corners. Our vision is to have Cochrane Corners on different topics in Rehabilitation according to the main interest of each journal. Another important initiative to reach our aim is the creation of an E-Book (electronic book) on rehabilitation that will be realised in 2018-9 thanks to the funds granted by the European Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Bodies (the European Society and academy, and the Section and Board of the European Union of Medical Specialist): the systematic approach used for its creation will facilitate on one side the diffusion of knowledge among the rehabilitation stakeholders and on the other will facilitate the identification of topics not covered by Cochrane Reviews. This will allow to define new priorities for reviews, as well as to discover neglected area(s) which might present major methodological problems to produce RCTs. Another effort will be put in the production of meta-reviews on specific topics of rehabilitation interest.