The Romanian Society of Rehabilitation Medicine is a non-profit organization with a history beginning in 1922 under the name of The Society of Medical Hydrology and Climatology. The society has acquired legal personality in 2003 under the name of The Romanian Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. In 2013 the General Assembly voted for its current name.
The aim of the Romanian Society of Rehabilitation Medicine is to ensure that Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine plays an essential role among the other medical specialties in Romania, in evaluation, diagnosis, and management of disabling conditions, leading the rehabilitation process through a multidisciplinary team, acting throughout the continuum of patient care. Moreover, it is working to continuously improve Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine practice, education and research in Romania. The number of its members has been rapidly growing reaching over 1300 registered specialists, nowadays.
The main goals of the RSRM are to advocate the rights of the Romanian Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine physicians, to provide professional education and training, to organize every year a National Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and other scientific meetings, to organize elections every 4 years, to negotiate all legal aspects of the Rehabilitation Medicine with the Ministry of Health and the National Health Insurance Company, to collaborate with other medical societies and to represent Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine physicians in international organizations such as ISPRM, ESPRM, UEMS-PRM.
During the 41st National Congress of the Romanian Society of Rehabilitation Medicine in Cluj Napoca (October, 2018), there was one scientific session chaired by Carlotte Kiekens and Stefano Negrini dedicated to Cochrane Rehabilitation and in that occasion a Memorandum of Understanding with Cochrane Rehabilitation was signed.
Since then, several members of the Society have been actively involved in the preparation of Cochrane Review blogshots which are published on the Society’s website and all the registered members of the Society receive the Cochrane Rehabilitation newsletter.
Daiana Popa, the General Secretary of the Society is a member of the editorial board of the Cochrane Rehabilitation e-book and she is the national delegate for the Cochrane Prioritization process.