Publications following the 5th Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological Meeting

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The first publications generated as a result of the 5th Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological Meeting are available. The Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological Meetings serve as hubs for advancing evidence production and synthesis in the rehabilitation community. These gatherings aim to challenge conventional practices, illuminate methodological nuances, and foster knowledge dissemination both within and outside our field.

The 5th Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological Meeting (5CRMM), held in Milan at the Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio Research Hospital in September 2023, united global experts in rehabilitation research methodology. Under the theme "The Rehabilitation evidence-generation ecosystem: useful study designs," the meeting was a catalyst for refining evidence synthesis practices and proposing actionable study designs.

A list of the already published papers:

  1. "Improving the quality of evidence production in rehabilitation. Results of the 5th Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological Meeting"
  2. "The influence of bias in randomized controlled trials on rehabilitation intervention effect estimates: what we have learned from meta-epidemiological studies"
  3. "Relevance and use of health policy, health systems and health services research for strengthening rehabilitation in real-life settings: methodological considerations"
  4. "Introduction to target trial emulation in rehabilitation: a systematic approach to emulate a randomized controlled trial using observational data"

For More Info: 5CRMM webpage.