Universities, Hospitals, Research Centres and other organizations

Memorandums of Understanding are signed with single organizations to perform specific actions of common interest
Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Università Politecnica delle Marche
The partnership with the Università Politecnica delle Marche aims at the production of the summaries of all the Cochrane Reviews of Rehabilitation interest required for the production of the Cochrane Rehabilitation ebook.
Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (IDRR), Ontario Tech University
The Institute for Disability and Rehabilitation Research (IDRR) is an innovative research hub that investigates issues related to disability and rehabilitation from the perspective of the health sciences and the social sciences and humanities. The IDRR, established in 2021 builds on the work conducted at the Centre for Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation (CDPR). The IDRR is committed to conduct applied research that is relevant to policymakers involved in disability and rehabilitation.
The Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professional Research Unit
NMAHP RU is a multidisciplinary national research unit. It agreed to collaborate with the Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodology Committee to strengthen rehabilitation methods and overview methodology and to produce in collaboration with Cochrane Rehabilitation overviews on priority topics.
The School of Specialization in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"
The partnership with the School of Specialization in PRM of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" aims at the production of the summaries of all the Cochrane Reviews of Rehabilitation interest required for the production of the Cochrane Rehabilitation ebook.
Vall D'Hebron Rehabilitation Hospital
Vall d'Hebron Rehabilitation Hospital is a world-leading healthcare complex where healthcare, research, teaching and innovation go hand in hand. Vall d’Hebron Barcelona Hospital agreed to collaborate with the Cochrane Rehabilitation Methodology Committee specifically working on the standardization of the reports on interventions and outcomes in Cochrane Reviews of rehabilitation interest.