

A stylized mid-blue color target with an arrow

Cochrane Rehabilitation Goals are:

A number "one" with a blue circle around
Create a global rehabilitation network connecting all stakeholders and individuals involved in the production, dissemination, and implementation of evidence-based clinical practice.
A number "two" with a blue circle around
Undertake knowledge translation of Cochrane reviews relevant to rehabilitation, with dissemination to all relevant audiences and intermediaries in different formats and languages.
A number "three" with a blue circle around Increase knowledge and skills:

a.    to implement Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in rehabilitation through education and training for stakeholders.

b.   to produce and synthesize evidence relevant to rehabilitation.

A number "four" with a blue circle around Improve the methodology of production and synthesis of evidence relevant to rehabilitation.
A number "five" with a blue circle around Develop specific strategies with projects and activities:

a.    focusing on the priorities and needs of Low and Middle-Income Countries.

b.    to impact health policy.

A number "six" with a blue circle around Synthesize or guide to synthesize the best available evidence relevant to rehabilitation according to identified priorities and emergent needs.